Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A Failed Gardener? Maybe!

Hello everyone

So today is a lush day in the English country side. That sun is shining and the landscape is truly beautiful.    (^-^).

So as the title suggest I'm going to be taking about my experience as a gardener. This summer my sister and I thought it would be a good idea to try out this whole self sufficient thing and be a lil bit nicer to earth. We planted some salad plants, you know the usual water cress and rockets, chillies, herbs, tomatoes, potatoes and pumpkin, giant pumpkin that is!

First of all we failed to notice that the label on the pumpkin said 'giant pumpkin' so it is currently ginormous! It's got these super cute little pumpkins growing at the ends at the moment, super cute. Check out the photos below. I'm sorry if it isn't there I'm blogging from my phone for the first time and I don't really know how things work. Oh well bare with me ;P

Any who as I said earlier we didn't know it was going to get so big and start climbing other plants (also check out photos below) I think I can safely say that that was a failed attempt!!

Tiny Pumpkin 
Giant Pumpkin ;)

Next thing that we didn't do so well on was keeping the slugs out of beloved plant. The salads were well all eaten by them (T-T). I blame the lame summer we've had so far! Rain, Rain, Rain = slugs!!!! I know you can use slug repellents but they're not so good for the environment and your health, you are eating it after all! 

Slug eaten salad plants
So the next thing that didn't go to plan were the tomatoes! We planted two different types, normal tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. I feel super stupid for saying this but I planted it in a pot that didn't have a hole at the bottom so that there won't be excess water at the bottom, so sadly it died! Before it died it gave me so much hope, it had loads of flowers that would eventually be tomatoes. (T-T) 
And then there was the cherry tomatoes in the picture below it looks like its dying but its not I just have to water it and it will be back to its old self again! 

Half dead Cherry Tomatoes

So then the sort of success that we had were the herbs and chilies plant. Although sort of failed on the coriander side but we'll let that one slide. We planted it in our old BBQ that we don't use anymore so here we are attempting to recycle old good ( ^ - ~ ) 

BBQ Herbs 

There are little chilies on the one on the left, just in case you can't see it :P 
OOOHHHHHH!!!! I miss something super important out!!! We planted an APPLE TREE!! It looks all dreamy in the picture but it is an apple tree and we're not expecting any fruits from it this year as we only just got it and its tiny! So hopefully next year it will have an apple or two on it. ^ - ^
Dreamy Apple Tree
Well that was our attempt at being sufficient, didn't work that well but we have had some success so to me it was a good attempt and well done to us, if I may say so! 

Have you tried to grow anything this summer? Was it successful? And if you have any tips for us that we could use for next year then please let me know, I need it as you can probably tell by now. :P 

PS I had to finish this post on my laptop the photos were not what I wanted so I had to change and adapt it! 
And in the pictures the plants looks try because it is!! I hate this whole hosepipe ban thing, yeah so much for the ban there are plenty of floods because the government are stupid! Sorry a lil rant there! 

Well then until next time. 


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